But I certainly kept myself busy. Today was a sad day, the last day seeing the woman who has been our visiting mother for the past seven months. She was linked up with me through this great program and has been coming over for an hour once a week for months now. But all good things must end, or so they say. And this is no exception. There are actually pretty strict rules in the program for her to now sever all ties. She can't contact me but she did give me her email address so I can write and send pictures. Also, because I started the program so late she is looking into being able to come back for a visit in the future.
I cried while she was here and then put blee on my back, put on some sunglasses and went out to meet a friend for coffee. I drowned my sorrows in a totally decadent Pumpkin Spice Latte and Chocolate Creme Cheese muffin. Eeeep! Not going to do that again. Until I do.
Got groceries, came home, put blee down for a short nap. The nap was short but I still managed to make this piece in the meantime. It consists of pages from an old french/english dictionary collaged with one of my woodblock prints onto stretched canvas.
Then I baked Sunrise Muffins. If you ask nicely maybe I will post the recipe. They are very tasty and pretty healthy too. My baking powder and soda are both expired so they didn't rise as much as they should, but they were still good. And will be better next time!

I'm sad. Looking at the pictures I took of them make me sad. But they are also precious. Blee is going to miss her. I think Maeby will too.
I"m sorry. Sounds like a sad day. I don't quite understand the visiting mother concept tho. I must have missed some blogs. Why can't you see her?
The visiting mom is a program that lasts up to a year that I was connected with through JPMOMs (a local mailing list for parents). It normally starts after birth and ends at a year but we didn't start until around seven months so I got an "extra" month.
I'm sorry that your day was sad, goodbyes are so hard.
On the plus side that new piece of yours is stunning beyond words, I seriously gasped when I saw it.
Thanks Jenn! That means a lot to me.
I'm still struggling through the loss. If I had known it would be like this I don't know if I would have done it. It is bringing out my issues with abandonment.
A sad day indeed...but what a gift you have received in her presence over the last 7 months. Blee will miss her, but just think of all the things she's learned from her and how she'll grow as a result of having her in her life, if only a short while.
Wow, I'm really sorry to hear your going through a rough time. I can understand why and I hope that you feel even a little better tomorrow. I can also beg you to post the recipe for those sunrise muffins because they sound quite cheery. I am inspired to make some muffins myself today. Thank you. Peace.
Aww... so sorry to hear your having a rough time. I can imagine that would be hard. I tried to dig up some quotes that will maybe give you a little boost. :)
Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left.
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
Hope you feel a little better... I say you deserved that latte! ;)
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