Thursday, January 03, 2008

Well, this made my day!

Cultivating the eclectic
Originally uploaded by foftychel
I was feeling pretty stressed out and awful yesterday, then I saw this and I smiled and then laughed for the first time in awhile.

Check out the statue next to it. Squirrel headed bride! Just another reason for me to love BirdNerd! Not only is she a talented artist, a sweet person but she is cute and funny. And of course she has great taste as well.

Thank you my dear!

When I get upset today I have found myself looking at it and my mood brightens. How can I feel bad when my art is on the other side of the country with such a lovely person with such a great sense of the eclectic.

Alone in Kyoto - ACEO

Dark Willow - ACEO

Through the Glass Darkly - ACEO

I have a bunch of new ACEOs made and coming into my shop one by one so keep an eye out for them there and on Flickr. Lots of experimentation going on with these. It is great fun!


Mary's Madness said...

Love the squirrel bride! Too funny!

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

It was a gift from her husband! How great is that!