Friday, December 07, 2007


Original Art Mirror

Nesting Dolls (matrioshka)

And it isn't even noon. We were both in bed just after eleven and I was asleep before midnight which is rare for me. blee woke us up with her chatting around 7:30 (besides the two evening feedings) and both of us are well rested.

I used my new lamp while finishing up a carving and eating a good breakfast and drinking my tea.

The lamp is great for taking photos of products so I don't have to worry about overcast days and it is so much easier to take them now.

Duckie says hi and hopes everybody reading this has a good day followed by an even better. And the same goes for me. I could really use it! Ever since just before Thanksgiving things have been hard for both Jon and I.

Maybe I can even squeeze in a shower soon.

1 comment:

Simply Wired Custom Jewelry said...

I like the pieces that you feature on your site. I'm especially in to pocket mirrors lately, and the one in this post is absolutely lovely! Nice job.