I think the whole Cyber Monday is a load of hooey as my grandmother would say. The hooey part not the cyber monday part because she, like many people have no idea what cyber monday is. My husband didn't and neither did I until I started selling my work online.
Now I am not saying that sales are not going to go out now that the Christmas buying season has started and that it is back to the work week which is when most people do their online sales. (whatever did people in offices do prior to the internet and all of its goodies?) It is just that I don't expect today to be the bumper day that so many people are pinning their hopes on. Last year I found that my sales grew as Christmas got closer not the other way around. It is not like people are coming into the office thinking; "today is cyber-monday so I had best get to shopping!".
So if you sell online keep up with the listing and promotion, maybe even bump it up a notch. But don't expect to suddenly have record sales just because of some newly coined term. Black Friday is very different, these stores mostly draw people in based on insane sales combined with the desire to escape visiting family after a bit of an overload the day before. I don't think most Etsy sellers can or should offer massive discounts on their work. I know that I won't be doing it.
but I am offering a free ACEO of my choice with any order of $30 or more today only, please make a note for the "free ACEO" in the notes to seller as a reminder
I have new work made and new work coming. Thanksgiving was good but I am strapped for time. I also have two ideas for Christmas products that I hope to get to sketching out today. blee has been a handful since yesterday, I have orders to ship and a doctors appointment.
I hope that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving and the holidays treat you well. I have missed visiting your blog. :( WOW! A free ACEO! That sounds great! :)
I agree with you on the whole cyber monday thing 100%... no different than any other day!
i had never heard of 'cyber monday' till recently. im a bit suspicious as to whether anything will come from it
I love that aceo on the right, it's amazing, the colors the shapes...bravo marissa!
I'm not sure why I called her an aceo before....my bad, lol
Well, the other one is! Thank you!
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