I have some wonderful fresh ACEOs left and one mid-size, but other than that they are all oldies but goodies left. I haven't been in this position since the beginning of the year when I was sick puking three times a day. I may have some small 4"x4" pieces that I didn't get to scanning that I may go through today if I have the time. But I am pretty much out of stuff from my last printing (way back in mid-July) to list.
This week has been very hard. It started with me feeling overwhelmed with keeping up with the baby and trying so hard to keep the house clean and never having time for myself. I ended up pretty depressed for a couple of days. Snapping me out of that depression was a bad case of Mastitis, the key word in this illness that I had no idea about until I got pregnant is "tits". This illness is some serious business. Wednesday I went to bed with a fever and the chills on top of the pain and I woke up barely able to move with sweat pouring down my back. I can't remember the last time I had a fever, and this one was bad. Jon had to stay home because I was completely incapable of caring for myself much less the baby. I had one duty and that was to feed her. And even there he had to help me as much as he could. I called my doctor right away at 8:30 in the morning but got the bitchy receptionist. She left a message and told me a midwife would get back to me. Two hours of misery after still no call and this seemed odd so I called back. She basically told me that they were busy and I would just have to wait. All day I waited. My fever broke for a bit and that is the only reason why I put up with waiting, that and I was scared that if I tried again this woman would give me grief again. I fell asleep and around 5:30 received a call from a very upset and apologetic nurse. Apparently the incompetent and world hating receptionist had shoved the message in her box in a way that she totally didn't see it until just then as she was leaving. She talked to me about my symptoms and then consulted with a midwife before getting back to me. They agreed to put me on an antibiotic since my fever was returning and called it in so I wouldn't have to come in or wait until morning.
I see my midwife for the final six week appointment either next Friday or the one after that. If that receptionist is working then I am tempted to give her a "fuck you very much" goodbye. All the nurses, doctors and midwives there are wonderful. But the receptionists and people in billing are just terrible. They are either mean or incompetent. Or sometimes a lovely combination of both, like this woman.
Now as much as I want to clean up I need to take it easy and keep my stress down. I can do the basics but today I take care of the baby and myself by resting. Having me ill is not only hard on me but it is hard on Jon.
Hope you feel better soon!
Oh I hope you get well soon! Start interviewing for a reliable babysitter pronto so you can get some quality stufio time built into your week. The sooner the better. Find someone you trust completely and feel absolutely no guilt about the free time you need to take for yourself! Good luck mlee.
Feel better Marissa!
Hi Marissa,
There is a new print-on-demand / social-networking site for fine artists which allows you to sell fine art originals and prints online.
I thought you might be interested in taking a look or writing about it.
thanks for mentioning the website. But if you know my work you know that I make original prints, not reproductions. Well, I do make a small amount of reproductions but I am clear about the description of them. Calling reproductions simply prints is bothersome to me as a printmaker I feel that the term for what I make has been stolen by people using it to describe often cheap reproductions. And this is confusing to buyers, especially when they come across original prints such as mine.
I make fine art prints that are originals and I don't think that is what your site is referring to when it says fine art prints. It would be so much clearer and more ethical to describe them as the reproductions that they are instead of taking a term that has been used to describe work like mine for centuries.
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