Sunday, October 28, 2007

Price Increase

new work in a drawer
Originally uploaded by m.Lee
Yup, it is coming and happening. I'm in the process of re-evaluating how I price and almost everything has to go up. I just need to figure out how much would make me happy and settle on that. Expect these to be in effect starting in early November.

My time has become more precious to me. This weekend I have been able to produce a lot of work and now I am exhausted completely.

Yet I know that my work is nowhere near done, just the enjoyable part. Now I have to scan everything in then open it in Photoshop, crop it, make a high resolution version to back up and a low resolution version for uploading and listing. Have I ever mentioned how slowly Photoshop runs when I am working with massive Tiff files? And how much I detest working with the program? Well, it does and I do. As I stare into my drawer full of new prints I am overwhelmed because I know how much work it is going to take to get this stuff out of the drawer for people to see. There could easily be fifty or sixty pieces here, not including the ACEOs.

One great thing out of all of them I only had two or three failures! That is a pretty good ratio.


Metal Diva said...

deep breaths, mLee!!

I totally respect the price increase -- and grapple with the same issue. You need to charge what your time is worth!! Best of luck with the new prints!

BaldyLocks said...

I love your work. I have a background in various kinds of printmaking so I respect the amount of work in the process. Getting what your work is worth is important as an artist.

Go for it!

BaldyLocks said...

You totally made me cry! In a good way. Thanks for your beautiful comment.

One of my best friends had a severe brain injury 10 years before I met her. She is the most amazing, interesting, intelligent person I have ever known.

She often talks about what she was like "before" and I told her it doesn't really matter to me because I love who she is now.

Thanks again for the perspective.

artandghosts said...

im thinking of the same right now, i really am losing out with my give-away shipping fees, but it is difficult to take the plunge and up the dollars.

good luck:)