Monday, October 02, 2006

Sea Turtle
Originally uploaded by m.Lee.
freshly listed this morning

I decided to start my day off with an early listing on Etsy, since I ended up removing so many pieces that sold this weekend I need to build my shop up again. I am below 150 items!

As alluded to the Jamaica Plain Open Studio's went swimmingly well for me. Saturday was outside and had decent foot traffic. I actually got there so early I had no idea where to put my tent and ended up choosing just about the worst spot for myself. So with some help from Jon who kindly drove back and a few new friends we picked up my gear and moved me near the other artists. On Sunday I was inside because of the rain and I ended up doing so much better in every way. My work got viewed more and people weren't afraid that my loose prints would blow away as they thumbed through them. I got some good sales, gave out tons of my business cards, recommended Etsy to other artists and even snagged a pair of gorgeous little earrings and an etching through trading. The best was the feedback, unlike the majority of the browsers at the South End Open Market these people wanted to look through my portfolio and talk to me about my work. The Market was good practice, but Open Studios is obviously better suited for artists. Non fine artists showing there wares seemed to do quite well for themselves. I hope I brought some new talent over to Etsy.

Today I need to relax but I have a lot to do. I must do a print for an order, clean my studio up and go through my inventory of pieces. One of my small pieces is missing. Not stolen, it was missing prior to the Studios, I just didn't have a chance to look for it until today. With over 100 pieces of art listed and on hand it is easy to get overwhelmed trying to keep track of that. Sitting here writing this I looked up and to my left and saw a thick piece of paper sitting on top of a bin. The missing piece has been found! Too bad I didn't get to bring it this weekend.

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