I'm nervous for a reason. I finally sent off some images of my work to a gallery in NYC that contacted me ages ago about representing me. They contacted me again today and I used my free moments to gather up ten images for them. I tried to pick a nice variety of work to showcase. Now I just need to be accepted and then see what happens after that. I've had representation that fell through at the last minute before so I am not going to get my hopes up.
Haven't been getting much work (artistic or business) done lately as everybody in this house, except for me has been sick for the past two and a half weeks. That and blee is teething something fierce. This week has been extra hard as she is teething on top of it all and needing constant attention. I spend a lot of time with her on my back. Oh and the weather is poopy.
But eventually she napped and I finished tearing paper to print. I want to do monotype printing not woodblock but I have to wait for a new debit card because I can order some supplies I need. Doh! So woodblock it is, hopefully tonight.
I'm making my chipolte kissed sweet potato chili in the slow cooker now and it smells divine. One of these days I will get the recipe up here.

Sweet potato chili? I might need that recipe.
And you're WAY ahead of me if you've hand ANY communication with a NYC gallery for representation . . .
. . . even if it fell through. Hope it works out for you!
oh my your dinner sounds amazing! Good luck with your gallery, I am sure things will work out...your art is wonderful!
A gallery in NYC!? how exciting. I'll be praying and hoping.
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