I'm in shock. I'm also completely exhausted from the trip and needing to do a bunch of things now that we are home.
The trip was fantastic though despite the fact that my little one is getting her first molars in. She handles teething so freaking well, like the little trooper that she is.
And I got to see family, my best friend from college and a couple of Etsy people; Stilettoheights and Gemmafactrix.

It has been a crazy wonderful year. Blee is very loved by us, her family and her extended family here in the online world. That has become very clear to us and was driven home this weekend at the party. Thank you to everybody who was there following the horrible pregnancy, anticipating this little one and just caring. I already will have so many stories to tell her when she is older about how she was our little superstar.
I'm probably missing about a million things that I could be saying right now because I am so exhausted. I am thankful for our family, our friends, her Etsy aunties and others. This kid is getting a big memory box full of handmade goodies built up for her.
May year two be even better.
One already?! Wow! Hasn't time flown?! She's beautiful - happy bday blee! :)
Congrats on Blee's first birthday! Looks like she enjoyed it :)
Happy birthday to blee! 8-]
Yay! Thank you!
Happy birthday to Blee!
Your hair looks awesome in these photos, BTW. /random thought :)
Happy Birthday to Blee..Enjoyed all the pictures and hope you are feeling better now..
Happy Birthday a day late! Rest up and enjoy all that teething. Those days go by far too fast :)
happy birthday blee! she's such a sweetie :)
it goes by so fast doesn't it? hope you're recovering from your trip.
She's so adorable!
Happiest of Birthdays!
One of my little girls turns 5 today. I'm both happy and sad.
Happy Birthday, little one! She'll be talking by the end of the next year! One to two is such an exciting age, well, I guess they are all. Enjoy them all.
Happy birthday to a cutie pie!
Happy birthday to blee! She's a star in my book. :)
Happy Birthday Blee! So cute sitting at that yummy cake!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Blee!!! you are so lovely and obviously loved! :-)
it's amazing how quickly this 1st year goes by. twilli just turned 1 last month. everything changes DRASTICALLY everyday! :-)
btw... i love your art! i did a bit of printmaking in high school. it's a challenge! you are gifted. :-)
I can't believe she is one already - she is adorable. congratulations!
Happy Birthday blee!
Been a crazy year for you huh? Well, year and 10 months I guess...Blee IS a superstar, famous in our little Etsy world! It's been so much fun to see her milestones chronicled here in flickr and on your blog! Happy birthday Alexanda!
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