Tuesday, January 08, 2008

playful week

monotype plate
Originally uploaded by m.Lee
Hope I am not the only person enjoying this week. If you live where you are getting unseasonably good weather I hope you get to enjoy it, because it never lasts.

I probably should have waited until I had more time, but I was in the mood so I experimented with my new monotype inks last night. With limited success but that is okay. I'm still learning. Unlike relief work this is a process that has never come naturally for me. I took to woodblock carving and printing flying but with this I really have to see improvements in baby steps. The plate looks pretty cool at least! Also, I forgot to order a medium that I could really use. Next time I order some wood from McClain's I think I will include that. And I could use some midsized woodblocks.

She Sees

she only looks like a grumpy pants


The walk to the doctor went well and today is even nicer so we are going to do it again just for the joy of the walk. No shutting myself in when I don't have to! When there is good weather in January I had better take advantage of it. I think the greyhound playgroup around here is tonight, maybe we can make it for the first time since blee was born.

Had a bit of a scare about our insurance while at the doctor. Seems a secretary told him I had an HMO that isn't covered. It got straightened out since I do not have an HMO but it really left me feeling vulnerable for awhile. His office was hot as heck too and I was covered in fleece and warm baby so I was pretty uncomfortable indeed.

I can't wait until spring when blee and I can walk all over Boston together! It just can't come soon enough. Weather like this in January is great but I know that tomorrow we could always get hit with a blizzard because that is just how New England works.

Here is my list for today;
1) tummy time and babywearing with blee. try playing peek a boo without scaring the crap out of her like yesterday
2) enjoy this weather - long walk
3) blog
4) etsy list 2
5) put away laundry
6) pack and send orders (before walk)
7) greyhound playgroup at 6pm


Jodie Hurt said...

Oh, the monoprinting looks fun! What kinds of inks do you use? I've done some monoprinting at school with a couple of classes, and we used createx, which worked okay, I suppose. I started playing with some water soluble oil pastels on plexiglass...Thought I'd run that through the press to see what happens.

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

I ordered some akua kolor inks from DB.They are a lot nicer than the createx ones I had used prior.

And I cleaned the plate with a baby wipe! heheheh