Last night J and I drove out to Somerville to go visit the studio of my printmaking teacher Annie Silverman. Her place is amazing and it was great to see how she uses her space. She has the kind of home that one could have afforded 10+ years ago before prices got insane. I got a few tips from another artist while I was there. It was a very nice environment and experience , we even got invited to come back on New Years day. I just couldn't resist and we bought this print from her (the scanner cut a bit off the sides it is actually square). There was so much wonderful work there that it was hard to choose just one, but I have a certain affection for her squid prints. This piece is actually the first piece of art either one of us has ever purchased. Once we get a frame we will hang it in our hallway, the colors in the print are perfect and the lighting there is very good.
Annie Silverman of Somerville! I like her work. I saw her at an open studio, back in the 80s I think, when I used to live in Davis Square. Annie comes out here to western Mass once in a while to teach woodcuts at Zea Mays Studio. Cool that she's your teacher!
That is really cool! I love her!
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