We've been going to the park that is closer to us partially because it requires less walking but also because I cam easily fade and be anti-social there. I'm less likely to run into somebody I know and the people that go have no interest in making small talk with me.
The kids are sweet though and Alex follows the older ones around like a puppy. She would make such a wonderful little sister. The kids play with her and generally keep an eye on her because they are older and want to act more grownup. I still have to watch her like a hawk but more to keep her from getting into things. I also have to watch the gates as kids tend to go through and leave them open. The kid seems immune to injury.
Today I am going to the other playground as we have lunch plans with a friend that lives around there. Plus I need to get my blood drawn as the lab lost mine.
Hope everybody enjoys their weekend. We want to go somewhere tomorrow but don't know where.
I can't believe how grown up bLee is! She's her own little person, hello, Alex! Have a great weekend, Marissa.
how in the world did the lab lose your blood? lol
She really is growing up in so many ways.
Somebody suggested a vampire raid Jen. Can't say I'm thrilled with the idea of a vial of my blood unaccounted for. What if somebody uses it to clone me or something? :P
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